Minimum Enrollment
A minimum enrollment is required for all classes. If a class is canceled due to low enrollment, a full refund, including registration fee, will be made to those enrolled.

Student Withdrawal
All tuition will be refunded if notification is given before the first lesson or class.
Tuition refunds for cancellation after the opening of each term or semester will be made as follows:
1. Notification before second class: 75%
2. Notification before third class: 50%
3. Notification before fourth class: 25%

There will be no refund after the fourth lesson or class. There are no refunds for summer camps.

Missed Lessons and Classes
Students are charged for all lessons and classes for which they register, including those missed through student absence.
Music lessons missed by the student will not be rescheduled. The instructor, at registration, reserves a segment of time each week for the student. As a courtesy, students who must miss a lesson should notify the instructor as far in advance as possible.

If the student needs to miss a normally scheduled lesson due to a religious holiday, the student should notify the music instructor at least two weeks in advance or at the beginning of the term. The instructor will make every effort to reschedule that lesson.

Music classes missed by the student will not be rescheduled. If a class is canceled due to instructor absence, a makeup class may be scheduled. There will be no refund for rescheduled classes missed by the student.

Dance classes missed under extenuating circumstances may be made up within the current term.

Class Cancellations
In the event a class is canceled due to instructor illness or emergency, a sign will be posted on the door. If time permits, students will be contacted.

School Closings
School closings may occur in the event of a snow emergency or other natural occurrence and will be announced on television, radio and on-line at

The FSPA will not automatically close when the Flint Community Schools close. Virtual classes/lessons may be offered. Please contact your instructor for more information.

To sign up for text alerts regarding FSPA closures, text @gc69k8e to the number 81010.

You’ll receive a welcome text from Remind.
If you are having trouble with 81010, please try texting @gc69k8e to (415) 749-9892.
To unsubscribe,
reply with: @LEAVE

Students must provide their own instruments, music, supplies and dance attire. Costumes for Flint Youth Ballet and Nutcracker performances are provided by the FSPA.

Music Lessons Instructor Changes
FSPA teaching artists have reached a high level of excellence as professional performers and educators. They maintain their own schedules and have their own unique teaching styles. Likewise, students have their own expectations and learn in their own unique ways. Every effort is made to match student and instructor, but sometimes learning methods may not coincide. If this occurs, office staff and department chairs will help in facilitating changes.

Media Releases
Registering at the FSPA allows the FSPA, Flint Institute of Music, affiliated organizations and collaborators the right to use you/your child’s name, picture, photograph, voice, comments, etc. on any film, sound-track, recording, video tape or other means of recording sound or pictures in any promotional, print, broadcast, or online material.

Music class students receive instructor observation forms at the end of each semester.

Music lesson and ensemble students may request a written evaluation at any time.

Dance students enrolled in Ballet classes receive student outcome forms at the end of each eight-week term.

Discover Dance, Pre-Ballet, Elementary Ballet I, Modern, and Pointe students receive student outcome forms at the end of the second and fourth terms only.

Parents are encouraged to observe dance classes the last week of each term.

Parental Responsibility
Parents/Guardians are responsible before and after class for students who are minors. Parents/Guardians of students ages 8 years and under must bring them to and from the classroom. It is required that parents/guardians arrive on time
for pick-up.

If a student’s parent/guardian doesn’t arrive to pick them up after class, the instructor or class assistant will escort the student to the FSPA Office. If the FSPA Office is closed, the instructor or class assistant will escort the student to the Public Safety office.

Restroom Use Policy

FIM is committed to a safe and comfortable environment for all:

  • Individuals may use the restroom that best suits them. *Gender-neutral and single-occupancy restrooms are available where possible.
  • FSPA students under 8 must be accompanied by a guardian or, if alone, escorted by FIM staff, who will wait outside.
  • Private restroom access is available upon request through an FIM representative.

*Applies to all FIM facilities. Not currently available at Dort Music Center.

Flint Cultural Center Academy
The FCCA building adjoins the Flint Institute of Music, with locked doors, the new school is not a part of the Flint School of Performing Arts. However, the FSPA and other institutions on the Flint Cultural Center Campus will have a partnership with the FCCA to expand and enhance the curriculum of their students.

For more information, please visit their website:


Questions? Get in Touch

Flint School of Performing Arts

Mon - Thu: 8:30am - 7:00pm
Fri: 8:30am - 5:00pm & Sat: 9:00am - 1:00pm
1025 E. Kearsley St., Flint, MI 48503